Just FYI, I did not actually finish this novel, however I still want to put in my two cents but I won't include a rating since I don't feel it fair to rate a book I didn't finish.This started out as a heartbreaking yet uplifting novel about Nina surviving the grief after the death of her older sister who died of cancer. Nina and her sister shared a love of books and 3 years after her sister's death, when Nina turned 46 (the same age her sister was when she died) she decided to begin reading a book a day to get over her still ever-consuming grief. What started as a lovely idea in my eyes turned into something that didn't seem fun in the least bit. She set to make a goal for reading a book a day but put so many requirements into making this happen that she took the fun out of reading entirely. She would only read a book that was an inch wide or thicker, she would get up early so that she could get a head start on reading, she would either make her husband cook on the weekends or order pizza so she would have more time to finish her daily book, plus she dedicated upwards of 2 hours to review her completed book. I'm sorry, I love to read... absolutely love to read more than anything else. But putting so many requirements on my reading and making it a job to finish that same day so that you can be sure to start a new one tomorrow and 2 hours for a book review?? I've never spent 2 hours on a book review. Maybe that's why some of mine turn out crappy and half-assed, but whatever. I can understand this woman's goal of trying to overcome her grief, but this didn't seem the way to go about it for me.