Well, I won this over 7 months ago and have yet to get it. There have been several communications from the author giving us updates on when to expect the book but the last communication was something along the lines of 'I'm still working on the draft, also needs to go through the editing process.' So then I go to the seven halos website and I suppose it could have been a while since the site was updated but apparently she's currently at 11,411 of her 100,000 word goal. Whatever. You post a contest for a book you haven't even finished writing? I'm not even bothering reading the first book to be prepared for this one to show in my mailbox. And if anyone is reading this? Don't bother sending it. I don't want it. Thanks, but no thanks.Goodreads informs me I won this book. Which is strange because... I didn't sign up for it. From what I remember. It's the second book in a series I haven't even read. Guess I have to now. Thanks?