My rating: 4 of 5 starsA copy of New Lands was provided to me by Putnam for review purposes.After being completely charmed by 'Deadweather and Sunrise' picking up 'New Lands' was a given. Comparatively, New Lands is less funny and more serious but still so full of heart. Egg and Guts set out on a journey to discover the Fire King's lost treasure before it can fall into the hands of the wrong man. Their journey is a bleak one and considering what they seek, it's difficult for them to judge just who is honest and worth trusting. Guts was once again my favorite character and definitely managed to always make light of a serious situation. "Ain't nobody calls me cow-ears without a fight." - GutsYou can't help but love Guts and his crazy antics. I found New Lands to be a solemn installment and had a slight shortage of the swashbuckling action seen in the previous installment. Regardless, I think this section of Egg's story is most vital to his development as a character. His maturity had already begun to show towards the end of New Lands, but considering the trying times he had been through it was completely understandable.New Lands is a story of perseverance and about digging deep to find that strength necessary to continue. This series has made me a lover of Middle Grade and is one series I will continue to seek out.