
Breakfast at Tiffany's - A Short Novel and Three Stories

Breakfast at Tiffany's - A Short Novel and Three Stories - Interested in more of my reviews? Visit my blog!Having watched the movie, 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' I never really had any desire to read the book. Finally deciding to do so, I was quite surprised that the movie created a superb rendition of the book and that the role of Holly Golightly, played by Audrey Hepburn, was an absolutely perfect portrayal. Holly Golightly has to be one of the strangest fictional characters I have read to date. She's eccentric and odd in a completely entrancing way and yet shows no attempts at actually trying to be this way; she just simply is. "So," he said, "what do you think: is she or ain't she?""Ain't she what?""A phony.""I wouldn't have thought so.""You're wrong. She is a phony. But on the other hand you're right. She isn't a phony because she's a real phony. She believes all this crap she believes. You can't talk her out of it."I quite enjoyed Truman Capote's writing and look forward to his next book on my list: In Cold Blood.

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